Extended Profile
Criterion I: Curricular Aspects
1.2.1 Certification Courses in Digital Marketing
1.2.1 Certification Course in Labour Laws
1.2.1 Value added Course in Search engine Optimization
1.2.1 Value added Course in Labour Laws
1.2.2 list of student enrolled course wise, academic year wise for all the assessment years
1.2.2 Attendance Sheet and Completion Certificates of Affiliating marketing and Social Media
1.2.2 Attendance Sheet and Completion Certificates of Professional Etiquettes
1.2.2 Attendance Sheet and Completion Certificates of WordPress Web Development
1.2.2 Attendance Sheet and Completion Certificates of Fin Product Development
Criterion II: Teaching Learning and Evaluation
Criterion III: Research, Innovations and Extension
3.2.2 All program brochure attendance sheet and report
3.2.2 Workshop on Research Methodology (2023-24)
3.2.2 Seminar on Menustrial Health and Hygiene (2023-24)
Criterion IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources
Criterion V: Student Support and Progression
5.1.1 List of Scholarship beneficiary students (2019-2024)
5.1.2 Year wise List of Activities, Reports and Attendance sheet
5.1.3 Reports on Competitive Examination Guidance and Career Counselling Activities
5.1.4 Mechanisms for submission of online_ offline students Grievances
Criterion VI: Governance, Leadership and Management
Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices
7.1.2 Water conservation through bunds and tanks Water distribution system.
7.1.2 Institution Inititives Documents
7.1.3 The appropriate measures taken for proper treatment, disposal, and recycling procedures,
7.1.3 Geo-tagged photos beyond the campus environmental promotion activities views
7.1.3 HEI to provide the registration certificate of ENGRESS SERVICES
7.1.3 . Action taken reports and achievement report as clear and Green campus initiatives